Trying to Convey a Message - Module 2

So presenting is hard as ever... and I feel like there are countless angles to take to present a 10-page paper. So many angles and so little time. The most surprising part of preparing the presentation was knowing that some content within the article somewhat contradicted itself and I was really invested in trying figure out a way to articulate these slight nuances in the article, while also not taking forever to try and make a point. And that was definitely hard!

But for some reason, when it's your time to speak and you get up on that stage... you forget the words you're supposed to say! And you see yourself as a critic in a sea of audience members, slowly deducting points for every stumble you make in your presentation. Mark mark mark as the red pen slides across this imaginary paper, and you feel your grade sinking as if it was your soul and very essence leaving your body. You collapse on the stage, compressed under the weight of your own stress.  

You need to breathe! You need to escape yourself! 

I find myself in similar situations when I'm about to present literally anything because I'm always overthinking, over-stressing, and over-anticipating the small mistakes. So sometimes it's hard to focus on the material that I want to present. And I think there is where I find some solace from my nerves. Reminding myself of the super interesting material I'm presenting and why I think it's important for other people to know, keeps me grounded. It helps me realize that my role or my job as a presenter is just to relay information. That's all I have to do (and do it well) is just to relay information to an audience. Not to worry too much about how it is received but more making sure the information is understood. It makes things seem much more manageable.

But deep breaths and quick mediation always helps! 

- Brian W.


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